Thursday, October 20, 2011

October, 20, 2011. All things... Bummer >:[

So, this week has been rather down, if that's even a good enough word for it. Nothing has gone my way at all, it all went to SHIT.. I mean HELL! I mean, excuse my language, it was HORRIBLE! Let's track back, and start from the beginning, shall we?

Saturday October 15: Home Volleyball game. Alright so obviously, I had a volleyball game... Well two actually. We won our very first game, you think that would make me happy right? Completely wrong, we did so well on the first game and we played our hearts out.. and then came the second game. I'm not sure at all what happened to us, but we completely bomber that game and lost. There was no heart or effort put into the game whatsoever. On the upside, my mom and sister came to support me in the game. It felt so amazing to have them there cheering me on. I think that's why I did so great, individually that is.

Sunday October 16:  This was just a completely lazy day. Although my brother did stay the night before, so it wasn't too bad spending time with him. I love him very much and I'm glad he decided to stay with me. Alright, so this is EXACTLY how my day went. Stayed up until 4 watching Netflix with Austin; went to sleep; slept in until like three in the afternoon; woke up; cooked dinner; ate and watched more tv. Yeah, that's it. Pretty lame, right?

Monday October 17: Compared to the rest of the week, this was actually a great day. I did my very first ever photoshoot! Granted I know nothing about modeling, my pictures came out very beautifully, although next time I should keep the mental note of smiling in my head. That's practically all I did that day, it lasted a few hours, and took up most of the day, but I loved it. I think I want to be a model, professionally I mean. If I can get into it.

Tuesday October 18: This day was so boring that I can't even remember what I did, to be completely honest with you. No volleyball practice though, so that kind of made the day a smidgen better. OH! And Austin spent the night again, so that was pretty great. I was also supposed to get my rib tattoo finished/worked on, but that didn't happen.

Wednesday October 19: So, back to volleyball today. It was still a very boring day, up until volleyball. I had a very good practice and worked off some of my stress and frustrations. After practice, I had a good two hours of work put into my tattoo, but still didn't get all that much done. We got some more hading into it, and colored in some leaves. Looks substantially better than it did before, but there is still a lot of work to go. After the tattoo work, I went home, ate soup and passed out. That was an uneventful day for the most part.

Thursday October 20:  So, now we have today. Got up pretty early, for me anyway. Then I sat around the house, and watched Law and Order: SVU. So that makes everything a little bit better, that's the best show everrrrrrr, in the history of the world.. strike that, in the UNIVERSE! So, then I had practice, and that was horrendous. I pulled a muscle in my leg, AND I got the worst floor burn I've ever had in my entire life. It all hurts so bad, and then you throw the tattoo pain on top of that, pretty awful. Plus Austin is still with me, and that's the best part of the week.

So, there's my whole week summed up into and few paragraphs. I'm lame, I know, but I go through life that way and I accept it. That's all for now. I'll update either tomorrow or Saturday after my VERY LAST home volleyball game. (:

                                  SUPPORT BREAST CANCER FOR OCTOBER!
                                  IT'S BREAST CANCER AWARENESS MONTH!

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