Monday, October 10, 2011

First iPhone post!

Just downloaded the Blogger app for my phone! I know I haven't blogged in forever, but I'm going to start now. Alright, so in my life I've started college, quit my job at Wal-Mart, and joined the volleyball team at my school.

Alright, up first is school. I have lots of classes and they're mostly boring, bit I deal with it. It's helping my future, right?

So, volleyball! I love it! It's fun to play and I'm actually decent at it, even though we haven't won any games yet, we are working on it. I was terrible at first but I've been working hard at it an I'd say I've gotten fairly good at it. I love trying new sports and I'm so glad I tried this because it's pretty amazing. I'll never give it up now.

And of course, Wal-Mart. I had to quit because they wouldn't work around my classes at the college. I miss it a whole lot but there's really nothing I can do about it now. Just have to deal, and move on to the next thing.

So there's a few things. I'll update again tomorrow!

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