Friday, May 13, 2011

Friday, May 13, 2011-- Graduation Day

And hello to you. I'm Sapphire, obviously. Just randomly starting a new one of these (lost my old info). So a few things about me; I'm 19, a college student, and I have a huge family: All of which you will hear about here shortly. Alright, so first off, the two most important things in my life right now; COLLEGE and MY MOM. First, college, for the obvious reason of furthering my education so that I can have a good career. And second, my mom. She is very influential in my life, as all moms should be, but she also is fighting Breast Cancer right now... that's a big hit, right? Trust me, I know! I have to deal with it everyday, and it's a lot harder than you would think. I try to be strong for her, but I really cry for her almost every single day. It's easier to hide than I thought it would be, and I try to let no one see the sensitivity behind my rough exterior. I know she will make it through but it's hard sometimes to keep all the scary thoughts from entering my mind..

But any who, on to happier thoughts. I graduated from my GED class today, along with my brother, and it was an amazing feeling. I was so happy to finally finish something important, and my family being there just made it better. I actually finished the class last July, in 2010, but today was me and every other graduate actually walking across the stage. It was pretty excited, and I was so nervous. Although I was a little upset because my mom wasn't able to make it because she had to go on a school beach trip with my six year-old sister. Other than that, I had plenty of supporters behind me. I love my family very much, and I'm glad there were there with me. Annnnd, I got a brand new Dell laptop as my graduation preset, pretty snazzy right? Yeah, I'm excited about it too. I will be frequently blogging, and playing computer games I'm sure, because I'm most definitely a nerd, and I loveeee games. I also love to read, and draw. There's a few small facts about me for you to know starting out.. you'll find out more soon enough, just bare with me and have patience.

Just to warn you, sometimes my blogs with be all jumbled, confusing, and make absolutely no sense. I think it's because I might just have Dyslexia or Attention Deficit Disorder or something to that nature, so it will happen very often and you'll just have to decipher through it all, aha.

Well, here's to my first blog. *Applause for me* Thanks for reading...whoever you are.

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